"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." - Muhammad Ali 2020 christmas compassion empathy gratitude holidays mindfulness parenting suffering Dec 20, 2020

I love this quote by Muhammad Ali! What a beautiful reminder of the importance of compassion for others. And there is no better time than the December holidays to explore our compassionate natures. Everyone just seems to be in a happier mood; whether itโ€™s due to the spiritual significance of a rel...

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Compassion: โ€œA candle never loses any of its light while lighting up another candle.โ€ 2020 christmas compassion gratitude holidays mindful parenting mindfulness neurodiversity parenting rumi Dec 07, 2020

Ahhhโ€ฆ.the love words of Rumi. If you can truly appreciate the wise words of this lovely spiritual teacher, you have learned much about life and living. Going into this month of feverish spending and shopping, it is imperative that you hold onto the actual meaning behind the commercial craziness. I...

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